Providing Solutions for Long-term Results

data step 4: achieve Apr 29, 2024
Achieving long-term results will require continuous improvement.

We started the school year by discussing the importance of identifying your data gauges. In a previous blog post (entitled Using Data to Achieve Results), I referred to the data gauges with an analogy to car gauges. 

A car's gas gauge is one of the most checked gauges in a car. It won't make sense for a driver to ignore it, or they may quickly find themselves empty and stuck. Aside from that, other aspects of the car you should be checking out include low tire pressure, busted lights, brakes not working, etc. You get the picture. 

Using the car analogy, two more gauges are key in Data Step 4. They are lights that appear on your dashboard after you traveled several thousand miles. The first light is the “Main ReQD” light – meaning “maintenance required”. This light is set at regular intervals and reminds you it’s time for service. This light will remain on until it has been serviced and reset. 

Same in a school setting, long-term positive results do not just happen because you wish them to happen. To keep moving forward after implementing Data Steps 1-3, you’ll need regular maintenance and service.


“In life, you have to do the maintenance. If you don’t, you’re standing still.”  John C. Maxwell

How do you provide regular service to support what is working and getting results?


The next light is the “Check Engine” light. It is a signal from your car engine computer that something is wrong or malfunctioning. The light can come on for a minor issue or something more serious. In many cases, it does require a visit to the mechanic to repair the issue. Nevertheless, it is always the best practice to pay attention to your check engine light and address issues.

If you are not getting results, which solutions and strategies need to be repaired, overhauled or replaced?

If you are asking this question, it’s time to go back to Data Step 2 and conduct a root cause analysis to identify why the problem exists. If you are still not achieving consistent positive outcomes after your first root cause analysis, it may be time to take it to a mechanic. In a school setting, this is an outside consultant. Someone who can assist you in identifying the underlying issues and help you create a plan to solve them. If you need that kind of assistance, schedule a free consultation with me to determine if I am the right person for the job.

Following up on the Westside School introduced in my blog article last week:

At Westside School, the principal and curriculum director continued to implement the “required maintenance” to see positive outcomes each year. This included training new teachers, reviewing, and refreshing strategies with current staff when needed, holding data discussions, and rewarding staff for taking ownership of their results. They celebrated their success with quarterly student and staff awards! 

Each year, the results of their school assessments increased. Within 3 years, the average performance of the students at Levels 3 and 4 was 88%, an increase of 39%. Even more powerful were the results for students at level 4where the school average was 54% (an increase of 44%). They now had more students at Level 4 than they had with students combined at 3 and 4 during the baseline year (49%).

WOW! They are well on their way to consistent long-term results! Are you?

If you are interested in more information or would like assistance with any of the 4 data steps request a FREE consultation call with me. Fill in the Contact Form Link: 

Type in “Yes” for “Are you Interested in STAR Leadership Data Solutions?” You will receive a follow-up email with the next step to schedule a phone call to discuss your needs and questions.

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you focus on what matters most. In my book, School and Student Data Secrets, I share these proven strategies to simplify
data use, break free from stagnant outcomes, and create lasting
improvements in your school.

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Many school leaders encounter data challenges that can feel overwhelming, but addressing these issues can lead to rewarding outcomes. Through collaboration with numerous educational leaders, effective strategies have emerged that can be applied within your own school. These insights and practical approaches are detailed in my new book, 'School and Student Data Secrets.' If youโ€™re looking to uncover strategies for meaningful progress, you can find more information here:

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