Starting the Data Analysis Process

data step 2: analyze 2.0 Sep 23, 2024
Preparing the data for analysis will improve accuracy and efficiency.

While we were reviewing a district’s data, we noticed that one school’s data did not accurately reflect the number of EL students in the school. As we dug deeper, we found that the person receiving the forms for the new students did not understand the data entry process. She unintentionally entered the data into the wrong field. As a result, the data that was downloaded from the system was inaccurate. Since it was clearly a training issue, the solution was to provide training and a checklist to follow for all new students. 

In schools, where there is one central data person and that person periodically cross-checks numbers, this type of issue would not exist. If you have multiple people entering data and there is no one cross-checking the data entry, it is important to build a monthly to bimonthly system of cross-checking data entry. 

I have heard complaints about how cross-checking is taking too much time. But how much time would be wasted when the wrong analysis is made due to inaccurate data? 

Fixing the process where it started would be the best approach, especially when it comes to data analysis. Before we dive into analysis, let’s review the initial preparation steps for getting ready to analyze data.

If your results are broken, they need more than a short-term quick fix. While it may alleviate the pain for a short time, if the deeper cause for the lack of results is not uncovered, long-term results may not happen. The problems that you had will just keep repeating until you fix the main issue. Improving schools is complex and we can’t improve until we successfully diagnose what is truly wrong.

When you have a results problem and you are not accomplishing your goals, what do you and your staff do to address the data and the issues?

● Do you ignore it?

● Do you implement the quick fix - looking at data, figuring out your pain point and treating the symptom? (Fixing only what you see on the surface)

● Do you take the time to go deeper and consider what may be beneath the surface contributing to the problem?

Data Analysis Process

Once you have your SMART Goals and a data profile, you are ready to begin the ANALYZE steps which is Step 2 in the data process. The type of analysis you conduct will largely depend on your SMART Goals. Before I share more on analyzing data, there are a few actions that you will need to put into place to move forward.

Action 1: Scrub Your Current Data

Before you begin data analysis, it is important to clean or “scrub” your data. Effective data cleaning is a vital part of data analysis and cannot be skipped. If you don’t do this, you will waste a lot of time moving forward. Depending on the data you work with, your analysis and results will be significantly impacted.

Action 2: Assign A Primary Data Person

When used correctly, data can be an extremely helpful tool to provide actionable insight into teacher and student progress. However, incorrect use of data can lead to overwhelming and unmanageable workloads. To assist you with your data management efforts, I highly recommend assigning a primary data person.

Action 3: Identify Your School Leadership Team

The most successful schools have embraced data-driven decision-making. They base decisions on real student data and learn how to use the data to improve student performance. This involves using data analysis to provide a snapshot of what students know, what they should know, and what can be done to meet their academic needs.

The next level for Data Steps 2.0 (for those entering year 2 of this process) is to reflect on the prior year’s successes and challenges. 

  • Did you have clean data? Yes: Celebrate 
  • No: Why? Are there any data entry training issues that need to be addressed?
  • How will you cross-check your data this school year?
  • Is your data management system working for you or do you need to make any changes? 
  • Was your data profile difficult to analyze last year? No: Celebrate and continue refining
  • Yes: Why was it difficult? What is complicated? Were there data entry issues?   Repeating what didn’t work last year will only lead to more frustration. 
  • Do you have a primary data person? Ask them – what worked well last year? What might need to be improved?
  • Are there any new members on your leadership team? If so, are there any training issues that need to be addressed? 

These are the steps that I’ve been following and sharing with my clients to prepare for data analysis. Once you have the proper data and support team, you will be able to be more efficient in the process and accurate with the results. Giving significance to how we handle data analysis is crucial for long-term success. 

Investing in a well-organized approach to data analysis means we can reduce the chances of errors and save time. This will help us in making informed decisions more quickly and respond to issues more effectively. In the end, a smooth and thoughtful process not only helps us address current needs but also prepares us for future challenges.

If you are looking for support analyzing your data and identifying your next leadership steps, request a FREE consultation call with me. Fill in the Contact Form Link: 

Type in “Yes” for “Are you Interested in STAR Leadership Data Solutions?” You will receive a follow-up email with the next step to schedule a phone call to discuss your needs and questions.

Are you unhappy with your results or feeling overwhelmed by data? If so, contact me for more information on STAR Leadership School-Student Data Solutions Training. This training will guide you through the 4 data steps and give you a blueprint for achieving results. This training is individualized and tailored to your data, your needs, your staff, your students, and your best route to achieve results.

Download School Leaders Data Playbook for Success!

This playbook breaks the process into four clear steps that help
you focus on what matters most. In my book, School and Student Data Secrets, I share these proven strategies to simplify
data use, break free from stagnant outcomes, and create lasting
improvements in your school.

Free Gift

Many school leaders encounter data challenges that can feel overwhelming, but addressing these issues can lead to rewarding outcomes. Through collaboration with numerous educational leaders, effective strategies have emerged that can be applied within your own school. These insights and practical approaches are detailed in my new book, 'School and Student Data Secrets.' If you’re looking to uncover strategies for meaningful progress, you can find more information here:

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